Blog! Its MINE. On my corner of the internet.


I’ve been meaning to start keeping track of my own stuff on here for some time! I’m really excited to start building (or, rebuilding) my portfolio of art and writing outside of social media. I’m going to post some writing pieces, thoughts, random stuff. You know what’s up. As for my art and comics I’m going to make a little home for them here as well. Because its my art. On my website.

I’m also looking forward to having a little more control of my content in addition to not playing privy to an algorithm, or posting because I feel like I have to. I remember when the internet used to be fun! And this addition to my website is my first step in bringing that back.

On social media I always told people to “Stayed Tuned!”, here I will not be doing that. I’m probably not going to post regularly (but I might! I have no idea.), and I don’t want to feel like I have to do a song and dance for people to see me. That ended up in some of my art feeling, well, not as genuine or true to myself. I hope people reading this will want to look at my art because they like it, and I will make better art because I’ll be catering to myself, my visions, and my creative spirit! It is good all around, and I feel really happy about doing this!

It is the start of the summer, the start of a new (or reignited) creative journey, and the start of something new and cool for me. So cheers to my new blog, my upcoming portfolio, and some great things ahead!